MimioTraining On-Demand


Our guides and reference cards provide excellent information to help teachers start using their MimioClassroom™ products immediately. These resources are readily available to view, download, and print as needed.

Video Tutorials

Each short video provides detailed information on a specific topic. From object cloning to adding content to your lessons, these tutorials will get a teacher up and running easily and quickly. If you have five minutes and need a refresher or want to learn something new, take a look!

Quick Learn Recordings

Just like our live Quick Learn sessions, but available 24/7/365. All of the same great information - when it suits your schedule. Complete a short assessment at the end of each session to receive your Certificate of Completion

Quick Learn Sweepstakes
Enter our Quick Learn Sweepstakes!

Register and attend our live Quick Learn sessions for a chance to win Mimio products and training.
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